Benefits of Pimn over a modeling agency

Dec 12, 2024

Reasons to choose Pimn over a typical modeling agency...


Some models have complained on chat groups of spending in excess of $4,000+ and complained they barely have had or received any paid modeling offers.

We have read numerous model complaints. We will not mention names of agencies. 

Pimn won't soak you.

In fact, we have a free offer too for minimal model training! 


Some models have felt stuck in a commitment they later posted they regret, having little success. Yet, are stuck in a binding yearly contract. 

Pimn has no binding legal contracts and you can quit anytime without worry. 

Although, DO NOTE, if you quit over a non emergency situation, non-medical, etc., you MUST resubmit a video request of re-introduction directly to the Pimn Director, giving us ten reasons why we should accept you back. 

Then you will be reconsidered.

Previously, we would not take back any models that quit. This one standard has changed. 



You get to model at home, on your own schedule while working for an agency, you often don't. 


You don't have the flexibility within a modeling agency ad you do with Pimn.


You have a higher earning potential in Pimn than with a modeling agency if you prove to be a great model & your video reviews can bring in sponsored models to earn $50 per paid membership, up to $250 per paid membership and that is MONTHLY STACKABLE, PASSIVE INCOME. 

A 6 figure income potential. 

An ability to earn up to 25k a month where typically even top models with modeling agencies don't have this potential! Yes, it will take time but is possible to make a 6 figure income with Pimn! 


In Pimn, you have more ability and options of being creative in your own modeling than in paid gigs with modeling agencies. 

Backup income.

You get a chance to create a growing, passive backup income incase you ever lose your job. 


Any future lockdowns, you can still model and avoid getting sick, being around less people. 

Learning potential. Modeling agencies aren't in the business of training you. They help you get work. Many newer models in agencies don't show much growth in terms of learning potential as in Pimn. 

Less complaints.

Pimn has trained over 40 models and has had 5 star reviews and yet, regularly, we have had models complain to the Director about their past with modeling agencies, that promised them the stars but delivered months of nothing once signed on. Models asked for more money to photo shoot to upgrade their portfolio. 

Granted, there are great modeling agencies and not all models have had bad experiences.

However, one model didn't wish to sign on even for free with Pimn because of her losing $1500 to a prior agency. 

These stories should never be happening to models. Yes, there is always two sides to every story.

We are not saying modeling agencies are bad! 

We are saying, there have been many models let down by them and this is absolute TRUTH.

No specific names of modeling agencies are given.

These are general statements from models Pimn has worked with that left feeling they had learned a LOT and many...for FREE. 


Pimn is genuine and we do not put money first. We put you first. You don't just become a number.

We absolutely seek to see you LOVE YOUR EXPERIENCE and ENJOY IT and desire to stay long-term. 


Modeling with Pimn is in fact safer because it's just you at home alone working on YOU. OR with girlfriends or people you personally know that you chose to work with vs being put into an unknown environment. 

With Pimn, you're In the comfort of your own space you're comfortable with. 

We offer even women's virtual defense. Our world is growing more dangerous. No modeling agency will offer you this option to help increase your safety. 


You have with Pimn, freedom to choose styles you desire vs pushed or pressured to model in ways that may push your buttons or boundaries. 

Serious and professional yet fun.

You still can have fun with Pimn and with an ability to reschedule a shoot time by simply submitting a video statement to pimn. Without fear of losing a modeling job. 

Saves gas and fighting traffick.

With Pimn, there is not fuel use or traffick since it's at home. Models that don't have a car can be worry free and still model. 

Option of personal trainer, mentor, manager, website, portfolio help, resume' help, video demo reels help, learning things a modeling agency won't do for you. Creating things most modeling agencies won't offer to do. 

Have we convinced you yet? 

Hopefully so! 

Pimn Director