PIMN Magazine Cover Model & inside upcoming issue models - PART 2
The cover model's role is a prestigious and collaborative one!
As the chosen cover model for PiMN Magazine, she plays an active part in:
1. **Assisting in design of the issue's theme and layout**: Working closely with PiMN's editing to conceptualize and visualization of the magazine's content.
2. **Posing for exclusive cover and feature photoshoots**: Showcasing her home studio modeling skills and embodiment of the Anastasia Standard of professional communication and respectful demeanor.
3. **Contributing to editorial content**: Sharing her insights, experiences, and expertise through interviews or written pieces.
4. **Promoting the issue**: Collaborating with PiMN on social media campaigns, virtual events, and other promotional activities.
5. **Earning royalties**: Receiving monthly commissions on revenue generated by magazine sales, both online and offline, for as long as the issue remains available and of the one she is a cover model on. As only cover models earn passive monthly royalties. But only off HER ON COVER ISSUES.
Can she become a repeat cover model? Yes!

The cover model serves as a brand ambassador for PiMN Magazine, embodying excellence in modeling and inspiring readers worldwide.
Models play a vital role in supporting PiMN's mission by:
1. **Embodying the Anastasia Standard**: Consistently demonstrating excellence in modeling skills, professionalism, and dedication.
2. **Creating high-quality content**: Submitting polished photoshoots, videos, and other visual content showcasing their talent and PiMN's virtual modeling platform.
3. **Engaging with the community**: Participating in runner-up model collaboration among those other top score models.
After all, ONE of those TEN models for the internal layout will become the next cover model. Then a new 10th position model is added. Any of those ten could be the next cover model.
4. **Representing PiMN publicly**: Serving as brand ambassadors through social media, virtual only interviews, and appearances, highlighting PiMN's innovative approach to virtual modeling. Local news or radio to her own city or town is an exception.
No traveling out of city accepted for her own safety unless a well known name brand. For example, Vogue or Cosmo. Victoria Secrets, Sports Illustrated.
5. **Providing feedback and insights**: Sharing thoughts on PiMN's services, features, and overall experience to help refine and improve the platform. Literally treated as if she's a staff member of Pimn. Not just another pretty face or number, get in line.
By doing so, models contribute significantly to PiMN's mission of empowering virtual models worldwide and revolutionizing the modeling industry!

More parts to come, so keep coming back and don't decide on PIMN unless you've first the entire site and all currently posted blog posts.
Yes, it is a lot to digest and read through but that's intentional. Know why? Because we know only the MOST SERIOUS and PASSIONATE models will make the time.
Lazy models won't read. We don't seek lazy models. Motivated models DO study. Because studying is knowledge. And knowledge is gaining experience.
Whether it's all in one sitting ( if you do so, youre definitely a high candidate for Pimn ) or whether you do so a bit a day...until you're done.
It's never ever meant to be grueling or a thorn in your side. It's always meant to be enjoyable and challenging and creative.
Cheers to all past and present Pimn Models whom have worked very hard to be their best version of self.
They have maintained Pimn standards and whom have put in their free time and effort to be part of our team!
Did we say that now free model members can now promote pimn if they are accepted and to earn? Yes. It's just that as a free model, your % is less.
If others tell you...that's a scam! Run! They obviously haven't yet met or spoken to actual pimn models that have expressed how much they loved it and missed it.
PIMN : Pro International Modeling Network

The place where models arent just another rejected number. Frustrated and wondering when they'll ever get booked.
But, you gotta be willing to make the changes needed and you gotta take on the mindset that if you're asked to fix or change anything...that you see it not as a personal punch to your current image but rather, what will help you reach your goals!
Don't rate Pimn off typical fashion show industry standards. We are a multi-style modeling virtual network. We do not go by fashion show, pageant show, industry rules of entry or auditioning methods or height, weight standards.
Some have thought, "I dont meet Pimn qualifications or... I have too many tattoos."
You haven't heard of editing? Makeup? Clothing that can cover them? We can make exceptions on the tats to a degree. Depends on the extent of coverage.
Some have said, "I love my colored hair, I dont want to change it!" You havent heard of wigs? Or temporarily dying hair? There are some exceptions to the qualifications.
If using wigs, they need to pass the realistic critique. Dont go out to walmart and buy a halloween wig and think you'll be passed. As one magazine cover model never used wigs until she trained with the director and afterwords...began investing in all types.
Actually said, It's so much easier than spending hours doing my hair. Except HER wigs were very realistic. They weren't costly. Yet looked like her real hair.
Not only was she changing hair styles daily but hair colors. However, you don't want to do this ALL THE TIME. You gotta give it a break to let your hair and scalp breathe. Any hair fall outs are not our cause. It's up to the model to still take care of her hair.

Pimn Director