PIMN models are way more than just surface beauty
The prior blog post concerning "Benefits of Pimn Models/Modeling vs not joining" has been revised.
Pimn models need to re-read the revised version.
As for Pimn models / model training / modeling...
First off...knowledge is as important as your look. Etiquette as important to include into knowledge. Starting with...
Pimn models return to blog daily 5 days a week, regardless of their level...to make the time of at least reading ONE blog post a day.
If you've read all blog posts and have not yet seen any NEW POSTS by director...then pick one you've already read and refresh yourself on it.
If day 2 goes by and no new blog post has shown up, pick another you already read and then re-read it.
Why re-read something you've already read?
It helps increase memory retention.
Rinse and repeat until the information is in memory as much as possible... to know it by heart and until a new blog post is posted.
Never askingwh"Sir, when is a new post going up please? I've already read entire site and all current blog posts."
The answer would be, "Keep reading it, re-reading any prior posts."
They go up when the Director has time to post new ones. No set number.
Some days two posts might show up. Other days you may not see any. It will vary.

There have been models that have done outside of Pimn...30,40,50 photo shoots yet, aren't professional in terms of how they carry themselves as a model. How they communicate, how reliable they are, attitude towards other models or people in general. Etc
The art of modeling is far more than surface beauty in front of a camera. It's over all improving of oneself in many ways.
Your beautification is literally only about 5% of a 100%.
Communication ability 5%
Etiquette and professional politeness 5%
Reliability 5%
Posture 5% in walking, sitting, standing, posing.
Reading comprehension 5%
Motivation in all areas including fitness 5%
Confidence 5%
Maturity level 5%
Consistency 5%
Photography skill 5%
Editing 5%
Understanding of color coordinations 5%
Lighting and shadows 5%
Writing and note taking 5%
Self investing 5%
Listening and following direction well 5%
Timeliness of work 5%
Hair styling 5%
Makeup skills 5%
Posing skills includes catwalk ability even if not focused as a runway model 5%

WAY MORE than ever just surface beauty.
While she may look great in photo shoot, she may be lacking in other areas. Frustrating people that have worked with her. Frustrating her trainer, mentor, manager.
Late, bad at communicating, rude, unreliable, arrogant, not able to follow or understand directions etc. Isn't an experienced model.
That is not a professional level model and how good she looks doesn't cover up those areas either. Even if she looks like Miss Universe, that beauty could all be completely over looked if she doesn't have the total package.
Pimn produces models with the total package of all 5%s listed above.
So, even if a model says, Ive been modeling ten years, you dont need a school to be a great model! Yet, she lacks any of those areas listed, she isnt a full package pro model according to Pimn standards.
She can be the most beautiful Model other models envy of looks and yet, not a true pro model. Looks can be deceiving. Even experience in other modeling can be deceiving to her true skill.
Pimn Director doesn't care if she has walked the runway as a fashion model for ten years, if she doesn't have her 100% package in tact, she's not as good as a Pimn model.
PIMN Director doesn't care if she looks like Miss America and has won multiple beauty pageants. If she's not got the full stack, she isn't as good as a Pimn model.
Such a model will fail in Pimn who can't stack up 100%

What makes a Pro model Pro?
She's got looks and etiquette and communication is excellent and she has knowledge of all areas of her career.
She also respects others. Models and trainers and managers alike. Her communication level is perfected through her training herself as is all other areas of her 5% list.
The director of Pimn has worked with and trained both types. Bragged about the one that were truly full stack professional. Yet...
Both beautiful but... one very professional and the other a palm slap to forehead. Will spare readers the details.

Don't be the latter one. 25% isn't pro. 50% isn't pro. 75% isn't pro. 100% is Pimn Pro.
Yes, it can take time. Effort, change.
Yes, it is perfectionism. Any that tell models that arent perfecting themselves fully to 100% are lying to themselves and other models.
Nobody is ever perfect. Its striving to simply become the best version of yourself.
Pimn Director