Steps of enrollment
Step 1 was listed at the top of the home page. It is important you take one step at a time.
Mark it off as you go. One by one. Step by step. Don't allow too much info to overwhelm you.
There is a wealth of info that you will be having to learn, remember and apply.
As a tip, re-reading info helps you retain info better if you lack any focus to detail.
Here are the next steps to proper are being scored the moment you begin to submit yourself & content to Pimn training.
Writing these down and checking them off as you go can help. That's up to each model.
2.Submission of your very best head and full body shot with the following info added...double check you followed EVERY LETTER INSTRUCTION BELOW Before sending it.
A.Letter of introduction. Confirm you followed step 1.
B.Confirm you are 18 yrs old or older. Not over age 60.
C.Confirm you have read the 20 blog qualifications and you feel you qualify.
D.State anything you may need to ask that you feel you might not qualify for.
E.State first name city, state, country.
F.State you confirm you agree to follow Pimn's standards if selected. Including communication etiquette.
G.State your 5 styles you'd like to start with to model. If you don't know...ask for the list. ( styles are soon coming to the blog that Pimn accepts )
H.State your goals and experience level. New, 0 weeks, months or yrs. 1 yr beginner, 2 yrs intermediate, 3 yrs advanced, 4+ yrs pro.
I.Confirm you have a PayPal or Venmo and add the email or link.
J.End your introduction submission with how e-mail etiquette blog states.
K.Wait to be contacted if accepted.
L.Practice self video incase you are of a catwalk and 360 contour pose to have ready if you dont already have one.
M.To ask questions, do so on a video only. Not more than 3 at a time.
However, asking questions deducts points and you start at 50.
Below a 40 and you'll be asked to resubmit and why. You'll have 3 tries. If you fail, remember you'll be moved to a 7 day wait to study more and retry. Pimn gives multiple chances.
If after 7 days, you fail 1 time, you'll be wished good luck. Not accepted. You'll have had a week to study and practice.
The website answers a lot of questions.
Submit entry. Next step...
3.When contacted, if selected, submit your 1min video private link much like you would digitals. 4 way pose with away from camera catwalk In a form fitting, two piece black only, natural look, black high heels. Closed toed preferred.
A.Pose front & pause 3 sec
B.Turn left & pause 3 sec
C.Turn away & pause 3 sec looking over left shoulder.
D.Turn left again & pause 3 sec
E.Turn front again & pause 3 sec
F.Catwalk back to upper body only to camera and say, this is my 4 way contour catwalk pose submission. Thank you Sir for accepting my submission.
G.Video is vertical not horizontal and should be with white background and stationary, self-video with cell and not last more than 1 min.
If using a white sheet, it needs to be wrinkle free and well lit video. A minimum walk of four steps to pose and return.
No makeup, no hair done. Smiling is noted.
H.Wait for contact.
4.Upon being contacted after your video submission, you'll be asked to fill out a ten question questionaire.
A.Fill it out within 12 hrs of receiving and send it back with proper e-mail etiquette used.
B.You're being noted on your manners and timeliness. Ability to follow exact directions.
5.Upon being contacted again after review of questions, while waiting, if you have ANY tats or piercings, they need to be video taped.
A.Some are acceptable. Some will not be and must be covered with makeup or clothing when modeling.
B.No goth modeling. No vamp modeling. No horror modeling. No religious insult modeling. No blood modeling. No drug representation modeling.
6.Once contacted about your will be informed if accepted.
A.Asked if you have any questions before signing.
B.You'll be asked if you plan to do minimum free training or the paid membership.
C.Keeping in mind, paid members are only ones that can promote.
D.Use proper etiquette answering back in a timely manner. The sooner the better. 12hrs is now minimum time to reply back.
E.Do not inform other models or girlfriends, sisters, etc unless you are accepted. Meaning, do not promote pimn to start sponsoring others yet.
F.You may submit anything back within 12 hrs. To increase score, do so within an hour.
G.If over 12 hrs, you will be asked up to only 2 more times before asked to wait a week to resubmit.
H.Most all pimn submissions are done based on a time schedule that decreases as you progress.
7.If accepted, you'll be sent an NDA to cover non-disclosure of specifics of Pimn & a 4 yr agreement to look over and return both signed in 24hrs.
8.Once signed on. You'll be given further instructions to create e.mail and private training portfolio.
9.Do not try to call using the link on the website or attempt video chat. The call link is not currently active.
10.You'll receive your welcome into Pimn Pro International Modeling Network letter from Pimn Director and informed next what to do.
A.Starting based off schedule you gave us. And a congratulations for being chosen and passing your audition submissions!
B.Keep an eye on future updates on our blog. important to check at minimum once a week.
C.If asked to redo anything, do so within 12 hrs. Resubmit it with changes requested.
You'll have 3 attempts to process into Pimn. If you can't get it right in 3 attempts, you'll be put on a 7 day waiting list to retry. You'll have one more chance of 3 attempts.
Thank you for your interest in Pimn model training.
Pimn Director