Texting Etiquette of wrong ways vs right way.
Texting professionally is as important as a professional e-mail.
How you communicate as a Pimn model reflects on your over-all weekly score.
Pimn models start out with a score of 50. If they show improvement, that score goes up. If they show they can't remember standards, their score drops.
As you are scored on multiple areas weekly. We will cover Pimn scoring in another upcoming blog. ( If not yet posted )
Models that can't remember their ps and qs of communication etiquette will only continue to drop in score daily, weekly, monthly.
That includes how you text your model trainer, mentor, manager.
If you are skipping your daily check-in and check-out process too, how fast you are starting to respond.
Amateur models take hours and hours to reply back or they don't respond when seeing a txt or they just say ok.
Some Amateur models however have demonstrated better than experienced models whom were never trained in communication etiquette!
A lot of how quick a model can adapt may be based off current habits of how she communicates already.
Pimn models are to strive daily to get her scores up and keep them up. With a goal of consistently reaching 100.
Again, more on scoring soon in the blog about Pimn's methods.
Back to texting etiquette...
● Here is are three examples starting with very bad etiquette first example.
Ok etiquette but not ideal second example.
And excellent txt etiquette third example....
M = Model trainer, mentor, manager
J = Jane Doe
J : Hey there
MM : Hey Jane, how are you today?
Answers ten minutes later. Doesn't treat her text like a one on one conversation and is distracted. No personality.
J : I'm fine.
MM : Did you get your video shoot done today...for submission to review and critique before you post to your portfolio?
Answers 20 min later. Keeping the trainer waiting. No courteousy in her text method. Doesn't apologize or make sure she's not distracted while texting. Answers are very dry and minimal. No etiquette.
J : Yep
MM : How'd the shoot go?
Answers 45 min later..
J :damnit, oh fine. When ya wanna see them?
This is a no go. Bad example of text etiquette. Delays, distracted and curses. Displays no manners at all. And comes off as rude.
J : OK, sent! Gotta go! I'm late and gotta get my stupid cat to the vet!
MM : Uh, ok Jane. ?
Your model manager, unless you know them exceptionally well...doesn't need to know your issues with your dog, cat, pet rat, hamster or gold fish. Don't voice your issues unless you know your trainer very well. Then if you have any to discuss, you may ask off the record. To talk openly. Not the typical but of 40 models, 5 have.
● The next example is somewhat better but not ideal for a Pimn level model in training.
J : Hello, how are you today Mr.Doe?
MM : I'm good, thanks Jane. I don't go by Mr. Thx
Did you finish your shoot for submission to me today?
Answers 5 min later.
J : uh yeah, I sure did! It went pretty good! I'll send my video now if that's OK?
MM : Sure Jane, go ahead, I'll review it when Im free and let you know.
Answers 15 min later.
J : OK thank you!
That example is somewhat avg type text etiquette. But not good enough for Pimn standards.
Let's see next the best example of a skilled Pimn model.
J : Good day Sir, ( or ma'am if a female trainer/mentor ) hope your day is great today!
MM : Hello Jane, yes, thank you, it's going great. How about your today?
Answers right away, no distractions.
J : Well just trying to get this video submission finished for you to review Sir! :) I'm about to send it here now Sir.
Answers right away as always a model trainer is distraction free when answering.
MM : OK great! Looking forward to seeing it to review it and see if it's acceptable for my posting to my training portfolio.
Answers right away. Doesn't go off and come back later to leave her model trainer tapping his fingers, waiting. Is very respectful and professional.
J : I hope so Sir, I spent like 3 hours today on it to do my best.
But anything you notice Sir that I need to fix, I'll fix this evening...if you're at all able to critique it within the hour please?
MM : Yes, sure. I think I can get to it by then for you.
Go ahead and send it soon as you're ready.
You still have an hour to spare on your submitting it to me anyway Jane.
J : Ohhh! That's right! Lol ok Thanks for reminding me Sir! But I'm finished on it early! Yayyy sending now Sir!
Thank you for accepting my submission for today.
If Jane was an intermediate model, she would be saying this on video.
Not live video, but reply video. Model trainers Don't do live video unless THEY REQUEST THAT.
Models however DO if an intermediate level.
She also has choice to up her score by doing video response in her beginner level.
It WILL give her a weekly increased score of 5 if she models 5 days a week. It's not required as a beginner model.
It IS required after beginner level.
Why is this? So the model learns to be more relaxed in front of a camera. It's training herself to overcoming any camera shyness.
It is never shared public. It's strictly for the trainer to see her look before she submits her video modeling shoots.
So, the last example of texting etiquette was a random, fictional example of a more skilled Pimn model.
1.She contacts him slightly early if able vs him having to contact her asking after her time frame and she's not late. She's actually early.
2.She is consistently polite and respectful in her every text.
3.She smiles and shows personality in her communicating vs short one or two word DRY replies. Which shows no personality.
4.She is not distracted or delayed in her replies. If she gets distracted, she'd say...
J : I'm very sorry Sir, please excuse me for just 5min! I have an interruption. BRB Sir! :)
MM : Ok Jane. Np.
5 min later,not 10 or 15 but as she stated...
J : Ok Sir, so sorry for that! Lol it was unexpected family call! Thank you for waiting!
MM : No worries Jane. All good.
Another ending text would be, thank you Sir for my submission and have a wonderful night!
I'll check-In tomorrow Sir! Is that all you need? I've sent it. :)
5.She is considerate, courteous of the model trainers time and schedule.
In example 3, Jane Doesn't play head games, doesn't ghost, doesn't delay, doesn't ignore txt when answered, doesn't continue to be distracted, always uses Sir or Ma'am. Doesn't complain.
In example 3, Jane Is thankful to her trainer.
She greets her trainer, ends it also in a very friendly,positive way. Shows excellent etiquette In her texting. etc.
She would score a 5 for her weekly texting etiquette where example 2 would score a 2 or 3 and example 1 would score a 1 for her weekly communication skill score.
THIS is the difference in what a Pimn model strives for.
If accepted into Pimn modeling, learn it, remember it and apply it daily...or if it's not for you, do not try to enroll with Pimn virtual modeling training network.
Don't let your bad days reflect in your emails or texting. Or your mood swings. Keep it consistently at example 3.
Its not just about txt or email etiquette, its also about in-person manners, courtesy towards others you communicate with or work with in modeling. Especially any that are helping you.
Not all pros think as Pimn trains models. In fact, some pros that are very skilled in photography or hair styling or makeup, even other experienced models may find Pimns methods too strict or too much.
But these types of people do not set Pimn model standards. If they laugh about having courtesy, manners or respectful demeanor...then maybe they arent so professional after all?
Our standards are not meant to be judged but applied and those that find our way too structured or TOO corporate...may not have been to any modeling academy before nor been around much of the higher level professional types.
It isn't for them to claim, "That's ridiculous, that's a bit much, that's too much. Omg! You have to be perfect?"
No, nobody is perfect. We simply train models to be the most professional.
If another pro disagrees with our methods, then they are free to disagree but not judge how Pimn standards are higher than theirs.
So, if you become a Pimn model...don't let negative people bash down what we strive to help you be of more respectful and courteous towards others.
There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, other pros whom are...will notice and value it and appreciate it. As well, compliment you.
Even different cultures have different levels of what is valued. One culture may not focus much on being polite while another might.
Opinions vary. But we arent here to abide by a variety of opinions but strictly what Pimn teaches.
This may come up if you bring into your model training or shoots others you know or meet or friends.
However, you are less likely to encounter this defiance of good etiquette... if you decide to do Pimn alone. Which is the typical.
Not all pros have the same standards and not all that claim to be experienced are schooled or trained to truly be professional.
That concludes first step only in texting etiquette. More later.
Check the Pimn blog regularly for further tips, updates, etc on Pimn modeling.
If you disagree with anything Pimn standards are...feel you can't change or learn these, then maybe Pimn isn't right for you after all?
Pimn is about discovering your best version of YOU. You will receive compliments and be noticed. Guaranteed.
If however, you feel you can learn, retain and apply Pimn standards...then you'll be welcome to submit for enrollment to see if you qualify.
Pimn Director.