The difference between a Pimn model vs an amateur model.

Jan 17, 2025

Differences Between Highly Professional Models (like PiMN) and Amateur Models:

Highly Professional Models (PiMN Level):

1. **Clear goals and vision**: Specific, measurable objectives for their modeling career.

2. **High-level motivation**: Driven by passion, ambition, and dedication to excellence.

3. **Strong work ethic**: Consistently put in effort to improve skills, physique, and overall performance.

4. **Professional attitude**: Punctual, respectful, and courteous to clients, photographers, and teams.

5. **Continuous learning**: Seek feedback, attend workshops, and stay updated on industry trends.

6. **Excellent communication skills**: Clearly express needs, status with her trainer, mentor, manager, and expectations. 

7. **Physical and mental well-being**: Prioritize health, fitness, and self-care for optimal performance.

8. **Business savvy**: Understand contracts, negotiations, and financial aspects of modeling.

9. **Adaptable and resilient**: Thrive under pressure, handles rejection, and bounces back from setbacks. 

10. **Unique selling proposition**: Develop a distinctive brand, style, or niche to stand out.

11. **Strategic networking**: Build relationships with industry professionals, clients, and peers, other models she sponsors within her network.

12. **Personal branding**: Invest time in creating a strong online presence and portfolio.

Brunette woman with flying hair.

**Amateur Models:**

In dream world...

1. **Unclear goals**: Lack specific objectives or direction for their modeling career. Indecisive. 

2. **Low-level motivation**: Driven by casual interest, limited dedication, or seeking external validation.

3. **Inconsistent effort**: Sporadic practice, limited skill development, and inadequate preparation.

4. **Unprofessional attitude**: Often late, disrespectful, or uncooperative with clients, photographers, and teams. Quick to judge and criticize others including other models and her own trainers or the very company she chose to join. 

5. **Limited learning**: Rarely seeks feedback, neglects industry updates, and lack awareness of best practices. Studying more is a task vs a learning & growth opportunity. 

6. **Poor communication skills**: Struggles to express needs, status, and expectations clearly to her trainer, mentor, manager. 

7. **Neglected physical and mental well-being**: Prioritizes any FUN opportunities with friends over her modeling, health, fitness, and self-care.

8. **Lack business acumen**: Fails to learn to understand contracts, negotiations, and financial aspects of modeling.

9. **Sensitive and easily discouraged**: Struggles with rejection, criticism, and pressure. Allow minor critique to discourage her mindset and goals. Allows fitness trainer critique to offend her confidence of self. Vs making needed changes. 

10. **Undeveloped personal brand**: Limited online presence, inconsistent style, and unclear niche. Mixed up portfolio that isn't professional. Loud online. Cursing on social media and criticizing people. 

11. **Random networking**: Attend events without strategy, neglect building meaningful industry relationships. Has no directive of goals for herself. Is afraid to make changes. 

12. **Incomplete or low-quality portfolio**: Limited content, poor photography, and inadequate representation of skills. Makes excuses. Affordable items are too costly to self-invest. Yet, she spends that much and more on fun, alcohol, vapes, fast food, clothing or movies. All excuses she gives herself to not do it. 

Pimn models erase EVERY EXCUSE and tells herself often the benefit of WHY she SHOULD BE doing it and getting off her couch. Has a vision of her best self every single day. 

When that negative voice creeps up to whisper in her mind's ear...she's quick to silence those negative thoughts.

She focuses on the positive. Quit making excuses. "I'm done making excuses type mentality. I will drop jaws. I will be a cover model. I will have highest scores. I will rock this! Watch me!" Type mindset. 

When she lacks her own motivation, she consults her trainer, mentor, manager and us up front, requests help and isn't afraid to ask for motivation or help on anything.

Because she knows Pimn is there to push her forward. To reach down with a hand up when she falls down and you will feel like falling down.

It sometimes takes training your mind to stay focused. Training yourself to stay on track. Pro models are determined to never fail. 

These differences highlight the distinct approaches and mindsets of highly professional models (like those developed through PiMN) versus amateur models.

Which are you? Which would you rather be? 

The first type is driven and ambitious and takes action. Understands her efforts can lead her places and can work her way up to a potential 6 figure income. 

The second type prefers to sleep and takes no action and is often broke. And wonders why. 

It can't be forced. It must be a personal choice. 

Pimn Director.