Yes, you really DO need Pimn home modeling virtual training! Part 4

Dec 08, 2024

# Challenges Faced by Models Without Formal Training 

1. *Lack of Industry Knowledge*: Models without formal training may not understand the industry's expectations, standards, and best practices. 

2. *Undeveloped Skills*: Without training, models may struggle with posing, walking, and expression, making it harder to secure bookings. 

3. *Limited Networking Opportunities*: Models without formal training may not have access to the same networking opportunities as academy-trained models. 

4. *Higher Risk*: Agencies may view models without formal training as higher-risk investments, as they may require more guidance and development. 

5. *Still working the job vs building income* : Pimn models have an ability, if scores are high be approved to promote it via video reviews. Drawing in other potential models that like what they are watching and start can I do this?  

Keep in mind that while academy training can provide advantages, it's not the easy route. But it IS...the SMARTER ROUTE.  

It's very challenging, takes effort, dedication, focus, commitment, a passion, motivation is helped by your trainer, mentor. A lot is also based on YOU. You must schedule it in.  

You must be willing to follow direction and reading comprehension and good English are required.  

Some models may still achieve success without formal training, but that path... WILL require a lot more frustration and still years of dedication to develop the necessary skills and industry knowledge.  

Unfortunately, many models put themselves through years of frustration trying to go solo.  

What's holding you back from Pimn?  

If you're having to ask for random stanger opinions on online forums...of people you never met, don't know how skilled they"ll get a 100 different opinions for a 100 different comments.  

Keep this in mind. That it's YOU that ultimately must decide. Not them. It's your future. Not theirs.  

Top models are smart and that means they are decisive and they don't delay on what they do. They also don't allow inside or outside the industry influences in negative ways. 

If someone you turn to for advice has NEVER BEEN IN PIMN, they have only as much of an ability to guess as you do. 


Those whom don't qualify could say things just to get you NOT to audition, out of jealousy.

Maybe there is something in the qualifications that disqualifies them. 

So, trust us when we say, this needs to be your OWN choice without others opinions.

There are far too many people online today that will without even knowing a business opportunity indepth...will shout SCAM!

They also can do this so they can convince you to instead join THEIR agency! 

Pimn models learn to take their advice from their trainer, mentor,manager. Not strangers on chat forums or social media. Thats a fact. 

Don't rush it but also dont put it off either. If your gut is telling you...this sounds interesting!

Judge for yourself and go with your own ability to read, comprehend what we share and YOU decide. Or someone literally could talk you out of ever having a one time door opening. 

If a model ever says no thank you, Pimn door closes. We will not ask a model twice.

Why no second chances to join? Because we want models mature enough to know what they want. 

Because if you won't, other models will step right in front of you and say YES! I'm joining this! Like TODAY! 

COMING NEXT, why Pimn has multiple benefits and advantages as a model! 

Look for that, coming soon!  

Pimn Director.